What is DMA? Abbreviated as Direct Memory Access, this is device that plugs in to Pci Express port for memory reading (it also called PciLeech), and in to second computer via USB.
So the software can be run on another computer that reads the target memory, can it be detected? - yes, but only DMA Board firmware.
How to display overlay on main monitor? needed second device, called Hdmi fuser, that device applying image from second computer monitor to main, ignoring black pixels.
Hardware requirements for gaming ESP overlay:
1) DMA board (cost from $100 to $250), example list: https://github.com/ufrisk/pcileech-fpga
2) Second computer with USB3.0 port
3) Hdmi fuser for overlay (cost from $100 to $250), recommended fuser: 4) For autoaim KmBox is needed, supported KmBoxPro, KmBoxNet, MAKCU (recommended KmBoxPro)
Software system: Windows 10/11
Target system: Windows 10/11