Waroverlay - DMA War Thunder cheat

Waroverlay - its a software for known game, have own external ballistic calculation for prediction, position markers, prediction marker, bomb aim. Settings menu can be opened with the mouse cursor by clicking on the “W” button in the upper left corner of the screen.

- Autoaim (aim assist mostly, was set to "R" by default, on plane make sure to unset "weapons reload" for this key, hotkey can be changed in the Waroverlay settings menu)
- Prediction marker, for air targets arc correction included, for ground targets aiming point can be switched to Head/Neck/Body - PageUp,PageDown hotkeys
- Position markers(ESP): 3D boxes or game stlye, can be selected in the menu, take a note that unit can be displayed only when it visible by local game client
- Indicator when enemy tank/plane are aiming at you
- Bombs aim indicator
- Missiles indicators
- Tank crew and ammo boxes damage model
- Tank gun barrel model
- Respawn invulability indicator
- Tank weapon reload indicator
- Radar
Rest features:
- Distance to target
- Name enemy models
- Types of enemy in color
- Indicators of enemies at the edges of the screen
- For tanks: missile trajectory aim
Settings menu can be opened with the mouse cursor by clicking on the “W” button in the upper left corner of the screen.

What is DMA? Abbreviated as Direct Memory Access, this is device that plugs in to Pci Express port for memory reading (it also called PciLeech), and in to second computer via USB. So the software can be run on another computer that reads the target memory, can it be detected? - yes, but only DMA Board firmware) How to display overlay on main monitor? needed second device, called Hdmi fuser, that device applying image from second computer monitor to main, ignoring black pixels.

Software system (overlay pc): Windows 10/11
Target system (game pc): Windows 10/11 (win 10 recommended, win 11 can have some issues)

Hardware requirements:
1) DMA board (cost from $170 to $250), example list: https://github.com/ufrisk/pcileech-fpga
2) Second computer with USB3.0 port
3) Hdmi fuser for overlay (cost from $170 to $250), or use Moonlight streaming software (https://moonlight-stream.org/) tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xidFZnXYDQI
3a) Recommended fuser:
War Thunder DMA cheat

4) For autoaim KmBox is needed, recommended KmBox Pro, but KmBoxNet also supported

1) Connect DMA board to game PC (PciExpress port) with software PC USB3.0, in some cases may requries driver install on software PC: https://ftdichip.com/drivers/d3xx-drivers/
2) Connect game monitor through HDMI fuser. Connect software computer to HDMI fuser, it is recommended to setup fuser as second monitor on software pc, as Waroverlay can be started on second desktop without overlaying main screen.
3) Start Waroverlay loader on software PC. Also is needed to install game client on software pc (for latest aces.exe client file), recommended to use game loader with 'minimum' client size, after you install game client, in loader point correct path to latest 64bit game client file aces.exe
If all went fine you should see overlay with black bg on software pc: 'Waiting for game window'.

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